Imaging And Animation Island

Oh god, why didn’t I think of this sooner;

I re-started my major assignment for Imaging and Animation, I didn’t like where the last one was going so I scrapped it. This time around I added the original sketch of my island design which is making things some what easier. Four-ish hours later I’m just a little bit a head of where the previous island was at.


Today was been a pretty good day, while procrastinating I found a unused sketch book (score!) and I found my design sketches for Kite story (as well as a few sketches for the game idea before Kite Story). I’m some what tempted to get myself another display book and make a folio, just simply because I like making folios and as a plus side I can use it in interviews, I also just like the idea of havening something to flip though.

Anyways… Like so many others after the manifest weekend I’ve caught the manifest flu, so I’m going to go take a rest and head back to procrastinating.

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